Tuesday, November 26, 2013


Hi everyone:
Hope everyone has a great turkey day. This blog is about self  hypnosis. I have found that it works if you work it. Just like anything else.
Step 1. Find a nice quite place to relax.Put on some soft soothing music
Step 2. Close your eyes
Step 3. Take some deep cleansing breaths
Step 4. Be aware of your breathing. Count backwards from 10 to 1.
Step 5. Concentrate only on your breathing. Go deeper and deeper into relaxation.
Step 6. From the top of your head to the tip of your toes relax on body part at a time.
Step 7. Focus on what you want, visualize it, make it real, see the colors, hear the sounds, taste the taste.
Step 8  Anchor it, when you have it say every day in every way I am better and better. I claim this.
Step 9. During your anchoring process put your fore finger and thumb together, again I claim this ( what
            ever it is you want. Put yourself there).
Do this as many times as you can. NOT DRIVING ! Work on this. I have given you the basics. Put in what every you want into the picture.
Till next time.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013


Hi everyone:
Hope everyone is having a great day. This blog is about regrets. When I look back on my life I reflect on my past with some regrets. How many of us have wished we could go back in time to relive and replace some of the things we have done. Take back the things we wish we had never done? I don't know anyone that has not has some regrets. Or maybe just regrets to have not done something you wish you had accomplished. We only have one life. For some of us we have less days forward than we do in the past.The world famous Colonel Sanders launched his business at the age of 65, using his first Social Security check as start up funds. A master of personal branding, Sanders leveraged his honorary “Colonel” title and constantly wore the stereotypical “southern gentleman” white-suit and black tie. The rocket like growth of KFC is now legendary, and prior to his death Colonel Sanders’ restaurant chain had achieved over 6,000 locations with sales of more than $2 billion.
This one of many people that have started late and made history with their accomplishments.  My point is anything is possible. These are the tips on how to make things happen for you:
1. Find what makes you happy, what makes you wake up each and every morning with a smile on your face.
2. When you find that passion, get a game plan in motion. By that I mean work on yourself to stay motivated
    and get the plan of action to get the business off the ground.What is it going to cost. Financing, space that 
    you need to run your business. Know what your over head is going to be so you can work up a budget.
    Materials that you need to run the business. My suggestion is if it is something you are not
    familiar with find someone else that has the same business and learn from them.  Get a job in that
    business, keep your ears and eyes open, learn and take mental notes to know the do's  and don't s of
    that particular business.
3. Get a marketing plan in place that is a must when you go for financing. If you don't have the credit for that
    look for an Angel Investor. They are always looking for projects to finance. Google that.
4. Next make it happen, YES you can an entrepreneur is born every day, why not you? Most of all stay
    focused, believe in yourself, align yourself with like minded people, leave the negative Na Sayers alone!
   Les Brown once said," you can go a lot farther with someone running next to you then with someone on
   your back. Make sense"? I stress find something you love and have a passion for. Life has a way
   of kicking your butt. You have to have a passion or you will stop believing and give up. NEVER, NEVER
   NEVER give up.
  5. Use affirmations and visualizations to stay focused and positive. A couple of affirmations I use daily
      Visualize your business, be specific, sights, sounds, smells, colors, the whole shebang. Do this especially
      before going to sleep at night. This helps to make your subconscious go to work to make it reality.
      remember I told you in another blog, our subconscious does not know what is reality and what is not.
      Teach it to conform to what you want your reality to be.

     Till next time.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Being Grateful For What I Have

Hi Everyone:
Have you ever been around someone that constantly complains. No matter what goes on they are never happy? I wonder if they ever stop to see what they have and be grateful for that. I have to tell you I was one of those people. I complained constantly. I felt like I had a dark cloud over my head always. I had to stop and take a long look at myself and the people around me. I have driven down the road and seen people literately living on the side of the road. In boxes under the viaduct. How sad is that I thought, the other thing I thought was by the grace of God that could have been me. As a matter of fact I almost was me more times than I care to admit. Sometimes we have to take stock of what we can be thankful for. Our families, our friends. even maybe our jobs. We may hate the job we have, but instead of complaining go out and see if there is something else you can do. If not have you thought about starting your own business. Find something you really love to do and believe a  way will be made. It is not impossible. I have done it. When we start to look at our options you will be surprised at what you can do. I think the main thing is believing you can do anything you put your mind to. Take stock of what you have been able to accomplish. It may surprise you. This fuels the inspiration that you can also do what you desire. The other thing you have to do is be thankful for what you have. If you don't like what you have you have the power to change it. YOU HAVE THE POWER. In NLP we believe you can do anything, the only thing stopping you is your mind. Change your thoughts, change your mind. I have given you tools to do just that in previous blogs. USE THEM!.
The other thing I have found works is keeping a journal of your daily accomplishments. This is important because when things start to get a little rough, this gives you the inspiration to keep going.
Now start making changes if changes need to be done. Just food for thought.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Getting Past Tomorrow

Hi Everyone:
I have been focusing on addiction on my blogs, I hope it has been enlightening. Facing your fears is a big part of over coming addiction. Again getting out of your comport zone. The best way to stay addicted is to stay around the same environment and people. Misery loves company so the saying goes, and so true. If someone is doing bad do you really think they want to see you do better than they are? That is sad to say but it is so true. How can you start to see yourself if a better light if you stay stuck in bad. I think the next question is how do you get out of a bad situation like addiction. I spoke before about facing your demons, this means face what is really going on with you. Have you experienced trauma? Does your addiction come from taking to many pain pills to help to stop physical pain? Does your addiction come from just being around the wrong people and experimenting? There are a lot of reasons someone may become addicted to drugs or alcohol. Getting treatment is crucial and so is getting out of your own way sometimes. By this I mean taking a good hard look at who you are, what you want in your life and what is it you have to do to achieve that. No one can do it for you. You have to do the work. Sometimes, unfortunately you have to hit bottom to be able to see the proverbial light. The other thing is assessing people you have around you. Are they an asset to your recovery of yourself or are they a deterrent? I have found it helps to keep a journal. This helps in many ways, but the most important one in my option anyway is to keep track of your progress, or your set backs. Important note here. If you have a set back don't quite. You only fail when you stop trying. Align yourself with winners, these people can be your role model. Meaning you can see some part of you in them and it gives you a jolt of hope to keep going. Educate yourself on how the mind works, invaluable asset to give you understanding and stable ground to grow with. Learn self hypnosis, learn eft. There are many site on the internet that give free, valuable information. Most importantly, learn to trust and believe in yourself. You matter. YOU MATTER. BELIEVE IT.
Till next time.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Living Without The Mask

Hi Everyone:
Today;s blog is a continued discussion about substance abuse and living our lives. I have seen time and time again how people get caught up in substance abuse to try to stop the pain of trauma or even everyday life. We all want to feel normal, what ever normal may be for us. Or sometimes we just want the  pain and the discomfort to stop. Self medicating may seem like the viable solution. Lets talk a little bit about how the drugs or alcohol works on us to seemly help us to cope.
Drugs are chemicals. They work in the brain by tapping into the brain's communication system and interfering with the way nerve cells normally send, receive, and process information. Some drugs, such as marijuana and heroin, can activate neurons because their chemical structure mimics that of a natural neurotransmitter. This similarity in structure "fools" receptors and allows the drugs to lock onto and activate the nerve cells. Although these drugs mimic brain chemicals, they don't activate nerve cells in the same way as a natural neurotransmitter, and they lead to abnormal messages being transmitted through the network.
Other drugs, such as amphetamine or cocaine, can cause the nerve cells to release abnormally large amounts of natural neurotransmitters or prevent the normal recycling of these brain chemicals. This disruption produces a greatly amplified message, ultimately disrupting communication channels. The difference in effect can be described as the difference between someone whispering into your ear and someone shouting into a microphone.
When we continue to use drugs to help us cope, we continue to affect not only our brains but our body's. This can lead to cancer and a multitude of physical issues. Coping skills can come from many different arena's I have talked in previous blogs about meditation. However if you are using drugs or alcohol as a coping tool you must first deal with the addiction. Having been a substance abuse counselor for many years I have to say the traditional modality of treatment can be helpful but in my opinion treatments such as hypnosis and EFT and NLP are much needed as well. This gets to the root of the issue, and if the root of the problem is not gotten to the likely hood of relapse is greatly accelerated  if you are able to stop using at all. Especially if there is a trauma at the root of the issue. This may very well be the reason the use of drugs or alcohol started in the first place. There are many reasons an addiction can come to pass. Please check it out.
Just food for thought.
Till next time.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Masking The Pain

Hi Everyone:
I write these blogs from personal and professional experience. Today's blog is about masking the pain of abuse and trauma. This goes out to the Vet's that are reading my blog as well. What does that mean? It means just this. Not being able to handle the pain of trauma, failure, abuse, overwhelm and many other emotions and areas of our lives that make us feel helpless and hopeless. Sometimes we turn to substance abuse to be able to cope. This seems at the time as a way to be able to handle our daily lives. One thing you need to understand if you are using alcohol that is already a depressant. So if you are suffering from depression you are giving your mind and body a double whammy. It helps temporarily but sooner or latter you are going to have to deal with what is really going on with you. I have worked in a substance abuse program where the people on my case load were heroin addicts. This is the basic scenario They use to try to keep from dealing with the daily problems and sometimes trauma that they are enduring. .They get hooked. The don't see a way out. The problem is at that point is that they now have a chemical dependency and have to deal with what is really going on. to be able to have their lives back. The metafor I use is trying to climb Mt Everest with a 100 LB back pack on.your back. We get into a comfort zone, bad as it may be, we tend to want to unconsciously stay in the environment we are familiar with. To venture out of that comfort zone can be a very frightening thing. You may think, will other people judge me. Or maybe the fear of failure or even the fear of success is to over whelming for you.What if I fail, what if I make it and something happens that I fail after coming so close to happiness. The fact is you have to face this and start to face your demons to be able to recover your life. How do you do that. In the next few blogs I will get into those steps and give you some advice on how I did it. I had to face my demons to be able to get any kind of life back

Till next time.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Hi everyone:
I have taken some time off writing my blogs to get started doing some in-service trainings for corporations and organizations. I love it. I hope everyone is having a wonderful almost winter. I am finding I along with some of my friends are having some blues due to the up-coming weather. Dingy days. Cold weather. Yuck!.
I have learned that, however what ever the weather is we can all take charge of our own lives.How you may ask. First by knowing what it is you want. It is really amazing how many people I talk to really don't know what it is they really want out of life. We all have dreams that have not been fulfilled. Unless you are Hugh Hefner of course. If you are good for you. Most of us are not. How do we dicier what it is we really want. And then once we get that knowledge how do we get there? It took me a long time floundering from one thing to another to realize what I really wanted. A wise man once said, " Les Brown" you have to find the one thing that is your passion. Something that makes you keep going when things get tough.. So right. Anything we work on we are still going to run into snags. It always happens Murphy s
 Law always raises his crappy head. I think the thing that makes the difference is have a real sense of joy everyday. Even when you are having a bad day knowing you are getting up and starting your day doing something you really love to do. Here are some things to make help you find your real passion.
1. When you think of something that makes you smile this is the one thing that is your passion.
2. When you find something that allows you to feel real joy.
3. When you find something that when things get bad you always find a way to make it work and never
     and I mean never give up.
4. When someone says "you can't do that, it will never work for you" your little voice says "yes it will"
Try really thinking about this and see what you come up with.
Just food for thought.
Have a wonderful day.
Stacey Giovanni